Source code for formbar.form

import logging
import sqlalchemy as sa
from formbar.renderer import FormRenderer, get_renderer
from formbar.rules import Rule, Expression
from formbar.converters import (
    DeserializeException, from_python, to_python

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def remove_ws(data):
    """Helper function which removes trailing and leading whitespaces
    for all values in the given dictionary. The dictionary usually
    contains the submitted data."""
    clean = {}
    for key in data:
        if isinstance(data[key], unicode):
            # This may happen for lists e.g when sumitting multiple
            # selection in checkboxes.
            clean[key] = data[key].strip()
            clean[key] = data[key]
    return clean

def get_attributes(cls):
    return [prop.key for prop in sa.orm.class_mapper(cls).iterate_properties
            if isinstance(prop, sa.orm.ColumnProperty)
            or isinstance(prop, sa.orm.RelationshipProperty)]

def get_relations(cls):
    return [prop.key for prop in sa.orm.class_mapper(cls).iterate_properties
            if isinstance(prop, sa.orm.RelationshipProperty)]

class Error(Exception):
    """Base class for exceptions in this module."""

class StateError(Error):
    """Exception raised for state errors while processing the form.

        :msg:  explanation of the error

    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

class Validator(object):
    """Validator class for external validators. External validators can
    be used to implement more complicated validations on the converted
    data in the form. The validator has access to all submitted values
    of the form. Validation happens on the converted pythonic values
    from the submitted formdata. Additionally a context can be provided
    to the validator to provide additional data needed for the

    def __init__(self, field, error, callback, context=None, triggers="error"):
        """Initialize a new Validator

        :field: Name of the field which should be validated.
        :error: Error message which should be show at the field when
                validation fails.
        :callback: Python callable which actually will do the check.
        :context: Add additional data which can be provided to the callback.
        :triggers: Set what kind of error message will be generated.
                   Everything else than "error" will trigger a warning
                   message. Default to error.

        self._field = field
        self._error = error
        self._callback = callback
        self._context = context
        self._triggers = triggers

    def check(self, data):
        """Checker method which will call the callback of the validator
        to actually do the validation on the provided data. Will return
        True or False."""
            return self._callback(self._field, data)
        except TypeError:
            return self._callback(self._field, data, self._context)

[docs]class Form(object): """Class for forms. The form will take care for rendering the form, validating the submitted data and saving the data back to the item. The form must be instanciated with an instance of an ``Form`` configuration and optional an SQLAlchemy mapped item. If an SQLAlchemy mapped item is provided there are some basic validation is done based on the defintion in the database. Further the save method will save the values directly into the database. If no item was provided than a dummy item will be created with the attributes of the configured fields in the form. """ def __init__(self, config, item=None, dbsession=None, translate=None, change_page_callback={}, renderers={}, request=None, csrf_token=None, eval_url=None, url_prefix="", locale=None): """Initialize the form with ``Form`` configuration instance and optional an SQLAlchemy mapped object. :config: FormConfiguration. :item: SQLAlchemy mapped instance :dbsession: dbsession :translate: Translation function which returns a translated string for a given msgid :set_page_callback: Url which will be called when the user changes the currently selected page. :renderers: A optional dictionary of custom renderers which are provided to the form to render specific form elements. The key is the type of the renderer as named in the formular configuration. :request: Current request (See when using in connection with ringo) :csrf_token: Token to which will be included as hidden field in the form to prevent CSRF attacks. :eval_url: External URL for rule evaluation. If defined this URL is called to evaluate client side rules with a AJAX request. The rule to evaluate is provided in a GET request in the "rule" paramenter. The return Value is a JSON response with success attribute set depending on the result of the evaluation and the error message in the data attribute in case the evaluation fails. :url_prefix: Prefix which can be used for all URL in the form. :locale: String of the locale of the form. Used for proper display of the date and number functions. """ self._config = config self._item = item self._dbsession = dbsession self._request = request self._csrf_token = csrf_token self._url_prefix = url_prefix self._eval_url = eval_url if self._url_prefix: self._eval_url = self._url_prefix + self._eval_url if locale: self._locale = locale else: self._locale = "en" if translate: self._translate = translate else: self._translate = lambda msgid: msgid self.validated = False """Flag to indicate if the form has been validated. Init value is False. which means no validation has been done.""" self.external_validators = [] """List with external validators. Will be called an form validation.""" self.current_page = 0 """Number of the currently selected page""" self.change_page_callback = change_page_callback """Dictionary with some parameters used to call an URL when the user changes the currently selected page. The dictionary has the following keys: * url: Name of the URL which will be called * item (optional): A string which is send to the URL as GET paramenter. Often this is the name of the element (clazzname) * itemid (optional): The id of the currently editied element. The url will have the additional parameter "page" which holds the currently selected page. """ self.external_renderers = renderers """Dictionary with external provided custom renderers.""" self.fields = self._build_fields() """Dictionary with fields.""" = {} """After submission this Dictionary will contain the validated data on successfull validation. Else this Dictionary will be empty""" self.submitted_data = {} """The submitted data from the user. If validation fails, then this values are used to rerender the form.""" self.loaded_data = self.serialize(self._get_data_from_item()) """This is the initial data loaded from the given item. Used to render the readonly forms""" self.merged_data = {} """This is merged date from the initial data loaded from the given item. And userprovied data. The data is available after rendering the form""" self.warnings = [] """Form wide warnings. This list contains warnings which affect the entire form and not specific fields. These warnings are show at the top of evere page.""" self.errors = [] """Form wide errors. This list contains errors which affect the entire form and not specific fields. These errors are show at the top of evere page.""" def _set_current_field_data(self, data): for key in self.fields: value = data.get(key) if value or isinstance(value, int): field = self.fields[key] field.set_value(value) def _set_previous_field_data(self, data): for key in self.fields: value = data.get(key) if value or isinstance(value, int): field = self.fields[key] field.set_previous_value(value) def _get_data_from_item(self): values = {} if not self._item: return values for name, field in self._config.get_fields().iteritems(): try: values[name] = getattr(self._item, name) except AttributeError: values[name] = None return values def _filter_values(self, values): """Will return a filtered dictionary of the given values dictionary which only contains values which are actually part of the current form. :values: Dicionary with unfilterd values :returns: Dicionary with filtered values """ filtered = {} for fieldname, field in self.fields.iteritems(): if fieldname in values: filtered[fieldname] = values[fieldname] return filtered def deserialize(self, data): """Returns a dictionary with pythonized data data. Usually this is the submitted data coming from a form. The dictionary will include all values provided in the initial data dictionary converted into python datatype. :data: Dictionary with serialized data :returns: Dictionary with deserialized data """ deserialized = {} # Load relations of the item. Those are needed to deserialize # the relations. relation_names = {} try: mapper = sa.orm.object_mapper(self._item) relation_properties = filter( lambda p: isinstance(p,, mapper.iterate_properties) for prop in relation_properties: relation_names[prop.key] = prop except sa.orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError: if not self._item: pass # The form is not mapped to an item. else: raise for fieldname, value in self._filter_values(data).iteritems(): field = self.fields.get(fieldname) try: serialized = data.get( deserialized[fieldname] = to_python(field, serialized, relation_names) except DeserializeException as ex: self._add_error(, self._translate(ex.message) % ex.value) log.debug("Deserialized values: %s" % deserialized) return deserialized def serialize(self, data): """Returns a dictionary with serialized data from the forms item. The dictionary will include all attributes and relations values of the items. The key in the dictionary is the name of the relation/attribute. In case of relations the value in the dictionary is the "id" value of the related item. If no item is present then return a empty dict. :returns: Dictionary with serialized values of the item. """ serialized = {} for fieldname, value in self._filter_values(data).iteritems(): field = self.fields.get(fieldname) serialized[fieldname] = from_python(field, value) log.debug("Serialized values: %s" % serialized) return serialized def _build_fields(self): """Returns a dictionary with all Field instances which are configured for this form. :returns: Dictionary with Field instances """ fields = {} for name, field in self._config.get_fields().iteritems(): fields[name] = Field(self, field, self._translate) return fields def has_errors(self): """Returns True if one of the fields in the form has errors""" for field in self.fields.values(): if len(field.get_errors()) > 0: return True return len(self.errors) != 0 def has_warnings(self): """Returns True if one of the fields in the form has warnings""" for field in self.fields.values(): if len(field.get_warnings()) > 0: return True return len(self.warnings) != 0
[docs] def get_errors(self, page=None): """Returns a dictionary of all errors in the form. If page parameter is given, then only the errors for fields on the given page are returned. This dictionary will contain the errors if the validation fails. The key of the dictionary is the fieldname of the field. As a field can have more than one error the value is a list. :page: Dictionary with errors :returns: Dictionary with errors """ if page is not None: fields_on_page = self._config.get_fields(page) errors = {} for field in self.fields.values(): if page is not None and not in fields_on_page: continue if len(field.get_errors()) > 0: errors[] = field.get_errors() if len(self.errors) != 0 and page is None: errors[""] = self.errors return errors
[docs] def get_warnings(self, page=None): """Returns a dictionary of all warnings in the form. If page parameter is given, then only the warnings for fields on the given page are returned. This dictionary will contain the warnings if the validation fails. The key of the dictionary is the fieldname of the field. As a field can have more than one warning the value is a list. :page: Name of the page :returns: Dictionary with warnings """ if page is not None: fields_on_page = self._config.get_fields(page) warnings = {} for field in self.fields.values(): if page is not None and not in fields_on_page: continue if len(field.get_warnings()) > 0: warnings[] = field.get_warnings() if len(self.warnings) != 0 and page is None: warnings[""] = self.warnings return warnings
def get_field(self, name): return self.fields[name] def add_validator(self, validator): return self.external_validators.append(validator)
[docs] def render(self, values={}, page=0, buttons=True, previous_values={}, outline=True): """Returns the rendererd form as an HTML string. :values: Dictionary with values to be prefilled/overwritten in the rendered form. :previous_values: Dictionary of values of the last saved state of the item. If provided a diff between the current and previous values will be renderered in readonly mode. :outline: Boolean flag to indicate that the outline for pages should be rendered. Defaults to true. :returns: Rendered form. """ self.current_page = page if self.submitted_data: item_values = self.submitted_data else: item_values = self.loaded_data # Merge the items_values with the extra provided values. Extra # values will overwrite the item_values. values = dict(item_values.items() + values.items()) self.merged_data = values # Set current and previous values of the fields in the form. self._set_current_field_data(values) self._set_previous_field_data(previous_values) # Add csrf_token to the values dictionary values['csrf_token'] = self._csrf_token renderer = FormRenderer(self, self._translate) form = renderer.render(buttons=buttons, outline=outline) return form
def _add_error(self, fieldname, error): if fieldname is None: self.errors.append(error) else: field = self.get_field(fieldname) if isinstance(error, list): for err in error: field.add_error(err) else: field.add_error(error) def _add_warning(self, fieldname, warning): if fieldname is None: self.warnings.append(warning) else: field = self.get_field(fieldname) if isinstance(warning, list): for war in warning: field.add_warning(war) else: field.add_warning(warning)
[docs] def validate(self, submitted=None): """Returns True if the validation succeeds else False. Validation of the data happens in three stages: 1. Prevalidation. Custom rules that are checked before any datatype checks on type conversations are made. 2. Basic type checks and type conversation. Type checks and type conversation is done based on the data type of the field and further constraint defined in the database if the form is instanciated with an SQLAlchemy mapped item. 3. Postvalidation. Custom rules that are checked after the type conversation was done. Note: Postevaluation is only done for successfull converted values. 4. External Validators. External defined checks done on teh converted values. Note: Validators are only called for successfull converted values All errors are stored in the errors dictionary through the process of validation. After the validation finished the values are stored in the data dictionary. In case there has been errors the dictionary will contain the origin submitted data. :submitted: Dictionary with submitted values. :returns: True or False """ if not submitted: unvalidated = self.loaded_data else: try: unvalidated = submitted.mixed() except AttributeError: unvalidated = submitted unvalidated = remove_ws(unvalidated) log.debug("Submitted data: %s" % unvalidated) self.submitted_data = unvalidated converted = self.deserialize(unvalidated) # Validate the fields. Ignore fields which are disabled in # conditionals First get list of fields which are still in the # form after conditionals has be evaluated fields_to_check = self._config.get_fields(values=converted, reload_fields=True, evaluate=True) for fieldname, field in fields_to_check.iteritems(): field = self.fields[fieldname] for rule in field.get_rules(): if rule.mode == "pre": result = rule.evaluate(unvalidated) elif fieldname not in converted: # Ignore rule if the value can't be converted. continue else: result = rule.evaluate(converted) if not result: if rule.triggers == "warning": self._add_warning(fieldname, rule.msg) else: self._add_error(fieldname, rule.msg) # Custom validation. User defined external validators. for validator in self.external_validators: if validator._field not in converted and validator._field is not None: # Ignore validator if the value can't be converted. continue if not validator.check(converted): if validator._triggers == "error": self._add_error(validator._field, validator._error) else: self._add_warning(validator._field, validator._error) # If the form is valid. Save the converted and validated data # into the data dictionary. has_errors = self.has_errors() if not has_errors: = converted self.validated = True return not has_errors
[docs] def save(self): """Will save the validated data back into the item. In case of an SQLAlchemy mapped item the data will be stored into the database. :returns: Item with validated data. """ if not self.validated: raise StateError('Saving is not possible without prior validation') if self.has_errors(): raise StateError('Saving is not possible if form has errors') # Only save if there is actually an item. if self._item is not None: # TODO: Iterate over fields here. Fields should know their value # and if they are a relation or not (torsten) <2013-07-24 23:24> for key, value in setattr(self._item, key, value) # If the item has no id, then we assume it is a new item. So # add it to the database session. if not self._dbsession.add(self._item) return self._item
class Field(object): """Wrapper for fields in the form. The purpose of this class is to provide a common interface for the renderer independent to the underlying implementation detail of the field.""" def __init__(self, form, config, translate): """Initialize the field with the given field configuration. :config: Field configuration """ self._form = form self._config = config self.sa_property = self._get_sa_property() self._translate = translate self.renderer = get_renderer(self, translate) self._errors = [] self._warnings = [] # Set default value value = getattr(self._config, "value") # If value begins with '%' then consider the following string as # a brabbel expression and set the value of the default value to # the result of the evaluation of the expression. if value and value.startswith("%"): form_values = self._form._get_data_from_item() value = Expression(value.strip("%")).evaluate(values=form_values) # If value begins with '$' then consider the string as attribute # name of the item in the form and get the value elif value and value.startswith("$"): try: # Special logic for ringo items. if (self.renderer.render_type == "info" and hasattr(self._form._item, "get_value")): value = self._form._item.get_value(value.strip("$"), expand=True) else: value = getattr(self._form._item, value.strip("$")) except IndexError, e: log.error("Error while accessing attribute '%s': %s" % (value, e)) value = None except AttributeError, e: log.error("Error while accessing attribute '%s': %s" % (value, e)) value = None self.value = value self.previous_value = None """Value as string of the field. Will be set on rendering the form""" def __getattr__(self, name): """Make attributes from the configuration directly available""" return getattr(self._config, name) def _get_sa_mapped_class(self): # TODO: Raise Exception if this field is not a relation. (None) # <2013-07-25 07:44> return self.sa_property.mapper.class_ def _get_sa_property(self): if not self._form._item: return None mapper = sa.orm.object_mapper(self._form._item) for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: if prop.key == return prop def get_type(self): """Returns the datatype of the field.""" if self._config.type: return self._config.type if self.sa_property: try: column = self.sa_property.columns[0] dtype = str(column.type) if dtype == "TEXT" or dtype.find("VARCHAR") > -1: return "string" elif dtype == "DATE": return "date" elif dtype == "INTEGER": return "integer" elif dtype == "BOOLEAN": return "boolean" else: log.warning('Unhandled datatype: %s' % dtype) except AttributeError: return return "string" def get_rules(self): """Returns a list of configured rules for the field.""" return self.rules def set_value(self, value): self.value = value def set_previous_value(self, value): self.previous_value = value def get_value(self, default=None, expand=False): return self._get_value(self.value, default, expand) def get_previous_value(self, default=None, expand=False): return self._get_value(self.previous_value, default, expand) def _get_value(self, value, default, expand): if expand: if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] ex_values = [] options = self.get_options() for opt in options: for v in value: if unicode(v) == unicode(opt[1]): ex_values.append("%s" % opt[0]) return ", ".join(ex_values) else: if value: return from_python(self, value) elif default: return default else: return value def _build_filter_rule(self, expr_str, item): t = expr_str.split(" ") for x in t: # % marks the options in the selection field. It is used to # iterate over the options in the selection. I case the # options are SQLAlchemy based options the variable can be # used to access a attribute of the item. E.g. %id will # access the id of the current option item. For user defined # options "%" can be used to iterate over the user defined # options. In this case the value is the value of the # option. if x.startswith("%"): key = x.strip("%") if len(key) == 0: # User defined option value = item[1] else: value = getattr(item, key) # @ marks the item of the current fields form item. elif x.startswith("@"): key = x.strip("@") value = getattr(self._form._item, key) # $ special attributes of the current form. elif x.startswith("$"): tmpitem = None value = None tokens = x.split(".") if len(tokens) > 1: key = tokens[0].strip("$") attribute = ".".join(tokens[1:]) # FIXME: This is a bad assumption that there is a # user within a request. (ti) <2014-07-09 11:18> if key == "user": tmpitem = self._form._request.user else: value = self._form.merged_data.get(tokens[0].strip("$")) if tmpitem and not value: value = getattr(tmpitem, attribute) if hasattr(value, '__call__'): value = value() else: value = None if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): value = "[%s]" % ",".join("'%s'" % unicode(v) for v in value) expr_str = expr_str.replace(x, value) else: expr_str = expr_str.replace(x, "'%s'" % unicode(value)) return Rule(expr_str) def _load_options_from_db(self): # Get mapped clazz for the field try: clazz = self._get_sa_mapped_class() return self._form._dbsession.query(clazz) except: # Catch exception here. This exception can happen when # rendering the form in the preview of the formeditor. In # this case the item is None and will fail to get the mapped # class. log.error("Can not get a mappend class for '%s' " "to load the option from db" % return [] def filter_options(self, options): """Will return a of tuples with options. The given options can be either a list of SQLAlchemy mapped items (In case the options come directly from the database) or a list of tuples with option name and values. (In case of userdefined options in the form) :options: List of items or tuples :returns: List of tuples. """ filtered_options = [] for option in options: if isinstance(option, tuple): # User defined options o_value = option[1] o_label = option[0] else: # Options loaded from the database o_value = o_label = option if self._config.renderer and self._config.renderer.filter: rule = self._build_filter_rule(self._config.renderer.filter, option) if rule.evaluate({}): filtered_options.append((o_label, o_value, True)) else: filtered_options.append((o_label, o_value, False)) else: filtered_options.append((o_label, o_value, True)) return filtered_options def get_options(self): """Will return a list of tuples containing the options of the field. The tuple contains in the following order: 1. the display value of the option, 2. its value and 3. a boolean flag if the options is a filtered one and should not be visible in the selection. Options can be filtered by defining the filter attribute of the renderer. The expression will be applied on every option in the selection. Keyword beginning with % are handled as variable. On rule evaluation the keyword in the expression will be replaced with the value of the item with the name of the variable. Filtering is currently actually only done for selection based on the SQLAlchemy model and which are loaded from the database. """ options = [] _ = self._form._translate if self.get_type() == 'manytoone': options.append((_("no selection"), "", True)) user_defined_options = self._config.options if (isinstance(user_defined_options, list) and len(user_defined_options) > 0): for option in self.filter_options(user_defined_options): options.append((option[0], option[1], option[2])) elif isinstance(user_defined_options, str): for option in self._form.merged_data.get(user_defined_options): options.append((option[0], option[1], True)) elif self._form._dbsession: options.extend(self.filter_options(self._load_options_from_db())) else: # TODO: Try to get the session from the item. Ther must be # somewhere the already bound session. (torsten) <2013-07-23 00:27> log.warning('No db connection configured for this form. Can ' 'not load options') return [] return options def add_error(self, error): self._errors.append(error) def add_warning(self, warning): self._warnings.append(warning) def get_errors(self): return self._errors def get_warnings(self): return self._warnings def render(self): """Returns the rendererd HTML for the field""" return self.renderer.render() def is_relation(self): return isinstance(self.sa_property, sa.orm.RelationshipProperty) def is_desired(self): """Returns true if field is set as desired in field configuration""" return self.desired def is_required(self): """Returns true if the required flag of the field configuration is set""" return self.required def is_readonly(self): """Returns true if either the readonly flag of the field configuration is set or the whole form is marked as readonly""" return self.readonly or False