Source code for formbar.config

import os
import gettext
import logging
import pkg_resources
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from formbar.rules import Rule

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = gettext.gettext

[docs]def load(path): """Return the parsed XML form the given file. The function will load the file located in path and than returns the parsed content.""" with open(path) as f: data = return parse(data, path)
def parse(xml, path=None): """Returns the parsed XML. This is a helper function to be used in connection with loading the configuration files. :xml: XML string to be parsed :returns: DOM of the parsed XML """ if isinstance(xml, unicode): xml = xml.encode("utf-8") tree = ET.fromstring(xml) tree = handle_inheritance(tree, path) tree = handle_includes(tree, path) return tree def get_file_location(location, basepath): if location.startswith("@"): path = location.split("/") app = pkg_resources.get_distribution(path[0].strip("@")).location return os.path.join(app, *path[1::]) elif not os.path.isabs(location): return os.path.join(basepath, location) return location def handle_inheritance(tree, path=None): """Will build a form based on a parent form. Will replace elements overwritten in the inherited form and add new elements. :tree: ElementTree :path: Path of the loaded form :returns: ElementTree """ if path: basepath = os.path.dirname(path) else: basepath = "" if not "inherits" in tree.attrib: return tree ptree = load(get_file_location(tree.attrib["inherits"], basepath)) # Workaroutn for missing support of getting parent elements. See # tree_parent_map = {c:p for p in tree.iter() for c in p} ptree_parent_map = {c:p for p in ptree.iter() for c in p} for element in tree.getiterator(): if not "id" in element.attrib: continue # Is there a an element with the same id in the ptree? xpath = ".//*[@id='%s']" % element.attrib["id"] pelement = ptree.find(xpath) if pelement is not None: # Replace the parent element with the one in inherited # element. pparent = ptree_parent_map[pelement] pindex = pparent._children.index(pelement) pparent._children[pindex] = element else: # Add the element to the parent tree # 1. First get the parent of the new element and get the # same element from the parent tree. parent = tree_parent_map[element] if "id" in parent.attrib: xpath = "%s[id='%s']" % (parent.tag, parent.attrib["id"]) else: xpath = "%s" % parent.tag pelement = ptree.find(xpath) pelement.append(element) return ptree def handle_includes(tree, path): """Will replace all include element with the content of the include file. :tree: ElementTree :path: Path of the loaded form :returns: ElementTree """ if path: basepath = os.path.dirname(path) else: basepath = "" # Workaroutn for missing support of getting parent elements. See # parent_map = {c:p for p in tree.iter() for c in p} # handle includes in form for include_placeholder in tree.findall(".//include"): location = include_placeholder.attrib["src"] include_tree = load(get_file_location(location, basepath)) parent = parent_map[include_placeholder] index = parent._children.index(include_placeholder) # Check if the content to be included is wrapped in a # 'configuration' section. if include_tree.tag == "configuration": parent.remove(parent._children[index]) for child in include_tree: parent.append(child) else: parent._children[index] = include_tree return tree
[docs]class Config(object): """Class for accessing the form configuration file. It provides methods to get certain elements from the configuration. """ def __init__(self, tree): """Initialize a configuration with the DOM tree of an XML configuration for the form. If tree is not an instance of an ElementTree than raise a TypeError :tree: XML DOM tree of the configuration file """ if isinstance(tree, ET.Element): self._tree = tree else: err = ('Config must instanciated with a ' 'ElementTree.Element instance. "%s" was provided' % tree) log.error(err) raise ValueError(err) def get_elements(self, name): """Returns a list of all elements found in the tree with the given name. If no elements can be found. Return an empty list. :name: name of the elements to be found :returns: list of elements """ qstr = ".//%s" % (name) return self._tree.findall(qstr) def get_element(self, name, id): """Returns an ``Element`` from the configuration. If the element can not be found it returns None. If there are more than one element of this name and the id, than raise an KeyException. If the intitail found element refers to another element by the 'ref' attribute the function is recalled as long as it can find the element. :name: Name of the element (e.g entity) :id: ID of the element :returns: ``Element`` or ``None``. """ qstr = ".//%s" % (name) if id: qstr += "[@id='%s']" % id result = self._tree.findall(qstr) if len(result) > 1: raise KeyError('Element is ambigous') elif len(result) == 1: # If the found elements refernces another element than retry # getting the refed element ref = result[0].attrib.get('ref') if ref: return self.get_element(name, id=ref) return result[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_form(self, id): """Returns a :class:`.Form` instance with the configuration for a form with id in the configuration file. If the form can not be found a KeyError is raised. :id: ID of the form in the configuration file :returns: ``FormConfig`` instance """ element = self.get_element('form', id) if element is None: err = 'Form with id "%s" can not be found' % id log.error(err) raise KeyError(err) return Form(element, self)
class Form(Config): """Class for accessing the configuration of a specific form. The form configuration only provides a subset of available attributes for forms.""" def __init__(self, tree, parent): """Initialize a form configuration with the DOM tree of a XML form configuration. On initialisation the form will be configured that means that all included fields will be configured. :tree: XML DOM tree of the form configuration. :parent: XML DOM tree of the parent configuration. """ Config.__init__(self, tree) self._parent = parent """Reference to parent configuration""" = tree.attrib.get('id', '') """id. ID of the form""" self.readonly = tree.attrib.get('readonly', 'false') == 'true' """Flag to set the form as a readonly form. If set all fields in the form. will be rendered as a simple textfield which does not allow to change or enter any data. Defaults to False""" self.css = tree.attrib.get('css', '') """css. CSS class(es) to be added to the form""" self.autocomplete = tree.attrib.get('autocomplete', 'on') """autocomplete. Configure the form to autocomplete (prefill) the fields in the form. Defaults to 'on'""" self.method = tree.attrib.get('method', 'POST') """method. HTTP method used for sending the data. Defaults to 'POST' Valid values are GET and POST.""" self.action = tree.attrib.get('action', '') """action. URL where to send the data. Defaults to an empty string which means send data to the current url again.""" self.enctype = tree.attrib.get('enctype', '') """enctype. Encoding type of the subbmitted values. Use 'multipart/form-data' if you want to upload files. Defaults to an empty string.""" self._id2name = {} """Dictionary with a mapping of id to fieldnames""" self._initialized = False """Flag to indicate that the form has been setup""" self._buttons = self.get_buttons() """Buttons of the form""" self._fields = self.init_fields() self._initialized = True """Dictionary with all fields in the form. The name of the field is the key in the dictionary""" def get_buttons(self, root=None): # Get all Buttons for the form. buttons = [] if root is None: root = self._tree for b in root.findall('.//button'): buttons.append(b) return buttons def get_pages(self, root=None): # Get all fields for the form. pages = [] if root is None: root = self._tree # Search for fields for p in root.findall('.//page'): pages.append(p) # Now search for snippets for s in root.findall('.//snippet'): sref = s.attrib.get('ref') if sref: s = self._parent.get_element('snippet', sref) pages.extend(self.get_pages(s)) return pages def walk(self, root, values, evaluate=False, include_layout=False): """Will walk the tree recursivley and yields every field node. Optionally you can yield every layout elements too. If evaluate parameter is true, then the function will only return fields which are relevant after the conditionals in the form has been evaluated. :root: Root node :values: Dictionary with values which are used for evaluating conditionals. :evaluate: Flag to indicate if evaluation should be done on conditionals :include_layout: Flag to indicate to include layout elements too. :returns: yields field elements """ for child in root: if len(child) > 0: if child.tag == "if": rule = Rule(child.attrib.get('expr')) try: if evaluate and not rule.evaluate(values): continue except TypeError: # FIXME: This error can happen if the rule # refers to values which are not contained in # the provided values dictionary. The value # might be missing because the converting of the # value failed or the value was missing at # all.(e.g the field was a selection field and # was "disabled" in a conditional. In this case # the value is not sent. (ti) <2015-04-28 16:52> continue for elem in self.walk(child, values, evaluate, include_layout): yield elem elif include_layout and child.tag in ["section", "subsection"]: yield child for elem in self.walk(child, values, evaluate, include_layout): yield elem else: for elem in self.walk(child, values, evaluate, include_layout): yield elem elif child.tag == "snippet": sref = child.attrib.get('ref') if sref: snippet = self._parent.get_element('snippet', sref) for elem in self.walk(snippet, values, evaluate, include_layout): yield elem elif child.tag == "field": yield child def init_fields(self, values=None, evaluate=False): """Will initialise (or reinitialize) the fields in the form. The fields are stored in a dictionary per page to make the access to the fields on a page faster (e.g get_errors and get_warnings will check the fields on a certain page for errors). The attribute ``values`` and ``evaluate`` are used for evaluating the rules on initialisation to only include relevant fields. """ if values is None: values = {} fields = {} pages = self.get_pages() if len(pages) == 0: pages.append(self._tree) for page in pages: page_id = page.attrib.get("id") fields[page_id] = {} for node in self.walk(page, values, evaluate): ref = node.attrib.get('ref') entity = self._parent.get_element('entity', ref) field = Field(entity) # Inherit readonly flag to all fields in this field. if self.readonly: field.readonly = self.readonly fields[page_id][] = field self._id2name[ref] = return fields def get_fields(self, root=None, values={}, reload_fields=False, evaluate=False): """Returns a dictionary of included fields in the form. Fields fetched by searching all field elements in the form or snippets and "subsnippets" in the forms. :returns: A dictionary with the configured fields in the form. The name of the field is the key of the dictionary. """ # Are the fields already initialized? Ignore cache if we get # fields for a particular page if not self._initialized or reload_fields is True: self._fields = self.init_fields(values, evaluate) if root is None: # if root is None then we must return all fields. fields = {} for page in self._fields: for field in self._fields[page]: fields[field] = self._fields[page][field] return fields else: page_id = root.attrib.get("id") return self._fields[page_id] def get_field(self, name): """Returns the field with the name from the form. If the field can not be found a KeyError is raised. :name: name of the field to get :returns: ``Field`` """ fields = self.get_fields() try: return fields[name] except KeyError, e: log.error('Tried to get field "%s"' ' which is not included in the form' % name) raise e class Field(Config): """Configuration of a Field""" def __init__(self, entity): """Inits a field with the entity DOM element. :entity: entity DOM element """ Config.__init__(self, entity) # Attributes of the field = entity.attrib.get('id') """Id of the field. Usally only used to refer to the field. Example labels.""" = entity.attrib.get('name', "") """Name of the field. values will be submitted using this name""" self.label = entity.attrib.get('label', """Label of the field. If no label is provied the a capitalized form of the name is used. To not render a label at all define a label with an empty string.""" self.number = entity.attrib.get('number', '') """A ordering number for the field. In some form it is helpfull to be able to refer to a specific field by its number. The number will be rendered next to the label of the field.""" self.type = entity.attrib.get('type') """The datatype for this field. The data type is important for converting the submitted data into a python value. Note that this option is ignored if the form is used to render an SQLAlchemy mapped item.""" self.placeholder = entity.attrib.get('placeholder') """Defines a placeholder for this field that overrides the default placeholder.""" self.css = entity.attrib.get('css', '') """A string which will be added to the class tag of the form""" self.required = entity.attrib.get('required', 'false') == 'true' """Flag to mark the field as a required field. If this tag is set an additional rule will be added to the field and an astrix is rendered at the label of the field. Note that this option might not be needed to be set if the form is used to render a SQLAlchemy mapped item as this. In this case the required flag is already set by the underlying FormAlchemy library by checking if the database field is 'NOT NULL'. Defaults to False""" self.desired = entity.attrib.get('desired', 'false') == 'true' """Flag to mark the field as a desired field. If this tag is set an additional rule will be added to the field and an star symbol is rendered at the label of the field. Defaults to False""" self.readonly = entity.attrib.get('readonly', 'false') == 'true' """Flag to set the field as a readonly field. If set the field will be rendered as a simple textfield which does not allow to change or enter any data. Defaults to False""" self.autocomplete = entity.attrib.get('autocomplete', 'on') """Flag to enable or disable the automcomplete feature for this field. Defaults to enabled autocompletion""" self.autofocus = entity.attrib.get('autofocus', 'false') == 'true' """Flag to enable focusing the field on pageload. Note that only one field in the form can have the autofocus attribute.""" self.value = entity.attrib.get('value', u"") """Default value of the field. Note that this value might be overwritten while rendering the form if the field is within the submitted values on a form submission. Defaults to empty string. This attribute is also used for Infofields to define the value which should be displayed (If no expression is defined)""" self.tags = [] """Tags of the field. Fields can have tags. Tags can be used to mark fields in the form and become handy if a application wants to find fields having a specific tag.""" for tag in entity.attrib.get('tags', "").split(","): if tag: self.tags.append(tag.strip()) # Subelements of the fields # Options (For dropdown, checkbox and radio fields) self.options = [] options = entity.find('options') if not self.value and options is not None and options.attrib.get('value'): self.options = options.attrib.get('value') elif options is not None: for option in options: self.options.append((option.text, option.attrib.get('value'))) # Help = None help = entity.find('help') if help is not None: self.help_display = help.attrib.get("display", "tooltip") = help.text # Renderer self.renderer = None renderer_config = entity.find('renderer') if renderer_config is not None: self.renderer = Renderer(renderer_config) # Get rules self.rules = [] # Add automatic genertated rules based on the required or # desired flag if self.required: expr = "bool($%s)" % msg = _("This field is required. You must provide a value") mode = "pre" self.rules.append(Rule(expr, msg, mode)) if self.desired: expr = "bool($%s)" % msg = _("This field is desired. Please provide a value") mode = "pre" triggers = "warning" self.rules.append(Rule(expr, msg, mode, triggers)) # Add rules added the the field. for rule in self._tree.findall('rule'): expr = rule.attrib.get('expr') msg = rule.attrib.get('msg') mode = rule.attrib.get('mode') triggers = rule.attrib.get('triggers') self.rules.append(Rule(expr, msg, mode, triggers)) class Renderer(Config): """Configuration class for FieldRenderers. This class gives an interface to the Renderer configuration for fields if the field should be rendererd differently than the standard way.""" def __init__(self, entity): """@todo: to be defined """ Config.__init__(self, entity) # Attributes of the Renderer self.render_type = entity.attrib.get('type') """ Type of the Renderer. Known Renderers: - Datepicker - Textarea - HTML """ self.elements_indent = entity.attrib.get("indent", "") """Optional if set the field and help elements will be have a small indent. The value of the attribute defines the style. Currently only applies to the Radio renderer if label alignment is 'top'.""" self.indent_style = "" self.indent_border = "" self.indent_width = "indent-sm" if self.elements_indent: style = self.elements_indent.split("-")[0] self.indent_style = "indent-%s" % style if self.elements_indent.find("bordered") > -1: self.indent_border = "indent-bordered" if self.elements_indent.find("lg") > -1: self.indent_width = "indent-lg" if self.elements_indent.find("md") > -1: self.indent_width = "indent-md" self.label_background = "" """Optional. If defined the label will get a light background color""" self.label_position = "top" """Optional. If defined the label will placed left, top or right to the field. Defaults to top""" self.label_align = "left" """Optional. If defined the label will be aligned left or right, Defaults to left This only applies for lables which are positioned on the left or right side""" self.label_width = 2 """Optional. If defined the label will have the defined width. Defaults to 2 cols. The Fieldwidth will be reduced by the label width. This only applies for lables which are positioned on the left or right side.""" self.number = "left" """Optional. Position of the number in the label. Can be `left` or `right`. Defaults to `left`""" label_config = entity.find('label') if label_config is not None: self.number = label_config.attrib.get("number") or "left" self.label_position = label_config.attrib.get("position") or "top" if label_config.attrib.get("background") == "true": self.label_background = "background" if self.label_position == "left": self.label_align = label_config.attrib.get("align") or "right" elif self.label_position == "right": self.label_align = label_config.attrib.get("align") or "left" self.label_width = int(label_config.attrib.get("width") or 2) # Warning! The body of the renderer may include all valid and # invalid html data including scripting. Use with caution here as # this may become a large security hole if some users inject # malicious code! self.body = None """The body attribute is currently only used by the HTML Renderer and has the content to be rendererd.""" if self.render_type == "html" and len(entity) > 0: self.body = ET.tostring(entity[0], method="html") def __getattr__(self, name): return self._tree.attrib.get(name)